Monday, December 20, 2010

Midnight cruise

Midnight cruise, originally uploaded by Danny Kadarisman.

Peugeot 505 GR

Aston Martin Vantage

Aston Martin Vantage, originally uploaded by PSH.Fab.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Pago seguro de coche por meses en

Tener un coche conlleva ciertas obligaciones, entre ellas, tener un seguro. Esto, como es lógico, tiene un coste en algunos casos más que considerable y que cuando se presenta en casa no siempre lo hace en el momento más adecuado. Muchas veces supone un rejonazo a las cuentas económicas que nos deja temblando. Agravado todo esto por estos tiempos de crisis dura y pertinaz.

Pero algunas aseguradoras ofrecen una solución a este problema y es pagar el seguro del coche por meses, es decir, en lugar de un único pago anual se puede ir pagando el seguro mes a mes o incluso trimestralmente. Como es lógico, este método conlleva cierto coste extra pero es lo que hay que pagar por la comodidad y por disponer de nuestro dinero durante el año en lugar de soltarlo todo de golpe.

Posiblemente no sea una razón final o definitiva para decidirnos por un seguro u otro, pero cuando el precio del seguro no diferencia y los servicios tampoco, esta disponibilidad en el pago quizás sea un elemento más a añadir a la balanza. No todas las aseguradoras lo ofrecen y por lo tanto quizás sea bueno conocer e informarse sobre cuáles ofrecen tal posibilidad. En la web de podemos informarnos y conocer algo más sobre este tema.

Si bien la principal ventaja de este tipo de pago en el seguro es la comodidad y la cuestión económica, otras posibles ventajas de este tema (habrá que ver la letra pequeña) es que el pago no es anual y por lo tanto quizá sea más sencillo cambiar de seguro si, por ejemplo, cambiamos de coche o deseamos modificar las condiciones de nuestro póliza. Definitivamente, tenemos una opción más para evitar que la crisis nos deje sin coche por no poder pagar el seguro del mismo en el momento en que toque ya que en lugar de soltar 500 euros en un mes del año, por ejemplo, soltaremos 50 en cada uno de los meses. ¿Más caro? Sí. ¿Más adecuado? Seguro que en muchos casos también.

Más información en

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

MRolla Project Launch

With much fanfare (none), Paul and I met for breakfast Saturday to discuss the issues we need to resolve to graft the front of an '89 Corolla GTS onto the V-RAM MR2, then we started taking measurements. Cutting should start soon. By the May Reno race we should have something exactlyish like this:

Here are a few of the bigger issues we are faced with:
  • Where to join the cars: Just behind the Corolla firewall, keeping the Corolla pedals and steering shaft.
  • Transmissions: Manual at one end and automatic at the other.
  • Throttle: One pedal linked to both engines. Simple.
  • Cooling: Put a radiator on the roof or over the rear for the rear engine.
  • Fuel: Separate tanks and pumps.
  • Brakes: System just needs to be spliced.
  • Exhaust: Exhaust from the front engine must be routed.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Previously And Currently

BFE GP in Volatile RAM was GREAT!

August Thunderhill with the Snowspeeder was my most challenging and rewarding 24HL fiasco yet. A real ordeal that payed off.

I'll post details eventually but you can check the pics from both races here and here.

I'm submitting an entry for V-RAM December Buttonwillow, but I'll probably just drive with the Snowspeeder or the Deathmobile.

A couple months ago I bought a 89 Corolla GTS for our next car project. Paul and I have been planning to start planning the operation.

Friday, June 18, 2010


We're paid. We have 3 drivers. We have a running car. We're going for it. Bill, me, and newcomer Ruben are going race this one with just what my little truck can haul.

Thanks to Paul and Bill we have the car running and we're now picking over the cooling system.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sear Pointless 2010

Joe: Ever the graduate of the Altamont School Of Bumper-car Driving.

My fave car at the race. Cannonball Bandit's Weinermobile FX16

Nice thing about blowing your engine is you get to spectate, lounge, hang out, goof off, etc.

Stick Figure's Deathmobile.


So, long time no update. Here's a summary of what's been up:

In March I raced Sears Point with Joe and Bow in the Snowspeeder. The track is my new favorite and after hours of "training" in Gran Turismo 4 I'd say the game nails it. Snowspeeder was running weak and we killed the engine day 2 placing 123 of 147. I was sick the whole trip. It was still a great time. Paul, Judy, Bill and a bunch of other stick-figure recruits were there with the Deathmobile MR2 (finished 89th).

This month I raced Thunderhill in the Deathmobile with Paul's team. 39th of 108, and instead of the usual half the cars falling apart day 1, this had to be the most competitive 24HL I've seen. So We're proud of that 39! The car ran flawlessly and we all had a blast. We threw an Animal House theme toga party.

I'm accepted to the July Colorado race and we should have V-RAM resurrected by then, but we're short a couple drivers and I don't know if just me and Bill can pull the race off. Crossing fingers.

We're in the shopping phase of what we hope will be the whooptiest franken-beater to grace the tarmac at a 24HL. Keeping it under wraps for now but will reveal before we race it. Targeting December Buttonwillow.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

(Kantanka Obrempon I & II) Ghanian motors

The future of the African car is alive and well in Ghana. A Church leader called Apostle Kwadwo Safo is the inventor behind these two vehicles both named Kantanka Obrempon I & II, exhibited at his church's 27th Annual Charity & Technology Fair at Awoshie in Accra, Ghana.

The exhibition provided a lesson to the numerous teachers and students present that with determination, committed teachers and students could improvise with local materials.

The exhibition provided a lesson to the numerous teachers and students present that with determination, committed teachers and students could improvise with local materials.

Apostle Kwadwo Safo was born on 26th August 1948 at Bekwai in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. After basic school, he attended the Ghana Technical Works Institute in Kumasi. He thereafter had a three-year stint as a welder at the Volta Aluminum Company (VALCO), West African Metals and the French African Company. On the 3rd February, 1971 he founded his church, Kristo Asafo (Christ Reformed Church). Kristo Asafo is famous for its philanthropy and service to the needy in society since inception.

Monday, January 25, 2010


The MRolla is a joint project with Paul from Stick Figure Racing and myself.

The MRolla is the front end of a 1989 AE92 Corolla GTS welded to the rear of a 1987 MR2 (formerly Volatile RAM), joined at the front firewall and rear roof pillars.

  1. 24HL Reno-Fernley 5-2011, finished 56 of 72. Winner: Organizers Choice.
  2. 24HL High Plains Raceway 7-2011, placed 40 of 56. Pushed past checker by tow truck.
  3. 24HL Infineon 10-2011, finished 106 of 164. Rear engine blew head gasket day one. Day two was on front engine only.

MRolla Links: